4 Mar 2014


        Milica, Magdalena and me went to catch gulls to Novi Sad garbage dump. We came earlier then 26.01.2014 and I expectited that we will ring over 100 BHGs. But I had to many problems with my clap net so at the I ringed only 28 birds, more than 20 escaped... When we packed and prepared to go home we saw one BHG alone, he has brocken wing, I catched him. We immobilize wing and Milica is taking care of him now, he is making good progress in his recovery.

 Milica singing with her first BHG

Working area

At the end I would like to thank Magdalena for photos.

2 Mar 2014

Finally catching at garbage dump in Novi Sad

We finally have approval to enter to garbage dump. It is good to be back.
On 26. February Jelena, Trso and me went to catch gulls. This was their first time to help me to catch and they were pretty good. I had only one catch but it was best so far. We catched and colour ringed 84 BHGs.

I would like to thank Trso for photos.